Traductor Валерий

Traductor y Editor


  • Ruso (nativo)
  • Rumano (nativo)
  • Inglés


  • Traducción
  • Revisión

Áreas de especialización

  • Informática
  • Ciencias Sociales / Literatura
  • Tecnología / Industria
  • Finanzas / Negocios
  • Ley
Valeriy forma parte del equipo MaxiWord. Gestores, editores y especialistas en autoedición trabajan con él para garantizar que las traducciones sean de la máxima calidad. Nuestro objetivo es proporcionar al traductor el mejor entorno de trabajo, materiales de apoyo, herramientas técnicas, diccionarios y glosarios para que pueda concentrarse en el proceso de traducción sin tener que pensar en cuestiones técnicas ni en el pago. No está solo: un equipo le ayuda activamente en el proceso de traducción. Tiene a quien recurrir en busca de consejos y sugerencias. Una vez terminada, la traducción será editada por el editor interno y enviada de nuevo al traductor para que confirme o rechace los cambios realizados por el editor. Alexander Saksonov, director general y redactor jefe de MaxiWord, es personalmente responsable de la calidad de la traducción.

Просто стараюсь делать хорошо свою работу

Научный сотрудник, специалист в области электрических систем, кандидат технических наук, английским языком занимаюсь со средней школы, последние 15 лет занимаюсь параллельно с основной деятельностью техническими переводами.

Копия резюме

First name: Valeriu
Family name: Bosneaga
Sex: Male
Citizenship: Moldova
Home address Chisinau, Moldova
Phone, fax Mob. +37379438713
Graduated from Chisinau Polytechnical Institute, faculty of electro-physics, specialty
"Automation and remote control".
Post-graduate study at the Institute of Power Engineering, Moldova Academy of Science.
PhD defended at Ukraine Academy of sciences, Institute of electrodynamics, Kiev.
Two-years English courses, English courses for post-graduates.
Book-keeper (accounting) courses.
Training in procurement of goods and works according to World Bank rules.
Training on energy efficiency and conservation, organized by "Korea Energy Management
Corporation" and "Korea International Cooperation Agency", Seoul, South Korea.
Language Reading Speaking Writing
Romanian Excellent Excellent excellent
Russian Excellent Excellent excellent
English Excellent Excellent good
Use of computer – at the level of experienced user. Windows, Microsoft Office (Word, Excel,
Outlook, Power Point), Microsoft Project, experience in accounting systems, using of scanning
and Optical Character Recognition systems, e-mail, Internet etc.
Freelance translator and senior scientific collaborator at Moldova Academy of sciences - in
ABB ( official representative in Moldova – ABS SRL, consultant.
State Energy Inspection at the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure of Moldova, first as an
engineer, than as Chisinau city Senior State energy Inspector.
Translator and consultant, mainly for private businesses.
Consultant at Moldova Energy Projects consolidated Unit for coordination and monitoring of
World Bank (WB) projects in energy sector. Main responsibilities - coordination of activities on
project electricity components, which includes preparation of status reports, work with
international consulting firms, WB experts, local consultants and project beneficiary on
preparation of tender documents.
Executive Director and electrical component coordinator at Moldova Energy Projects
consolidated Unit, responsible for all aspects of projects implementation, including coordination
with related Ministries, World Bank departments, beneficiaries of the projects, etc.
Deputy Director at Moldova Energy Project Implementation Unit, Chisinau.
Institute of Power Engineering of Moldova Academy of Science, senior scientific collaborator;
Chisinau Technical University - part time, with interruptions, lecturer on the courses
“Electromagnetic transients in electrical systems” and ‘Transmission and distribution of
electrical energy”.
Chisinau Electromechanical College - part time, lecturer on the courses "Transmission and
distribution of electrical energy”.
I have more than 4 years experience in World Bank projects management, including
procurement, contracting, financial and accounting management systems, implementation,
coordination with related Ministries, other governmental bodies and agencies, beneficiaries of the
project. Organization of seminars and meetings with participation of governmental bodies and
project beneficiary representatives on different aspects of projects under implementation,
including discussion of environmental aspects. Sufficient reports writing skills.
During my scientific activity within Moldova Academy of Sciences at Power Engineering
Institute I presented reports and participated at All-Union (during former USSR) and
international scientific conferences held in Belgium, Poland, Romania, Russia, Ukraine,
Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia.
Doctor of technical sciences (PhD). Dissertation on specialty "Electrical networks, systems and
their control". I am an author of PC software for calculation of asymmetric conditions of
electrical networks; mentioned software is used in Ukraine Power System (“Dneproenergo”).
During several years I activated as a manager of scientific reseach projects at the Power
Engineering Institute of Moldova Academy of Science, fulfilling the contracts with other
organizations; I was a member of Editorial Staff of Power Engineering Institute Proceedings,
member of Scientific Council of the same Institute, Laureate of Premium of Moldova Academy
of Science.
The full list of scientific publications includes more than 70 articles, inventions, patents
(including in USA, UK, Germany, France and other), scientific conferences reports, main of them
published in well known Russian Power sector journals and international conferences
Valeriu Bosneaga