- Español (nativo)
- Inglés
- Traducción
Áreas de especialización
- Finanzas / Negocios
- Tecnología / Industria
Fernando forma parte del equipo MaxiWord. Gestores, editores y especialistas en autoedición trabajan con él para garantizar que las traducciones sean de la máxima calidad. Nuestro objetivo es proporcionar al traductor el mejor entorno de trabajo, materiales de apoyo, herramientas técnicas, diccionarios y glosarios para que pueda concentrarse en el proceso de traducción sin tener que pensar en cuestiones técnicas ni en el pago. No está solo: un equipo le ayuda activamente en el proceso de traducción. Tiene a quien recurrir en busca de consejos y sugerencias. Una vez terminada, la traducción será editada por el editor interno y enviada de nuevo al traductor para que confirme o rechace los cambios realizados por el editor.
Alexander Saksonov, director general y redactor jefe de MaxiWord, es personalmente responsable de la calidad de la traducción.
Proud member of IAPTI
Since completing my translation studies at the Instituto Superior de Profesorado N.º 8 "Almirante G. Brown”, I have focused the development of my knowledge on the following areas of expertise: General Medicine, Health Care, Neurology, Psychiatry, Ecology / Environment and Technical documents. I have also participated in projects related to Human Resources, IT, Automotive, Psychology, among others. I am a member of the International Association of Professional Translators and Interpreters (IAPTI), the American Translators Association (ATA), the Asociación Argentina de Traductores e Intérpretes (AATI), and the Colegio de Traductores de Santa Fe, 1.º circ. Currently, I collaborate with the North American Academy of the Spanish Language (ANLE).
In the last years, I have participated in translation projects related to:
•TECHNICAL: Translation, editing and proofreading of texts about flameproof electric motors, duplex static filters, explosion-proof solenoid valves, auto drain valves, instructions for installation and operation of temperature regulators, description of pumps, safety manual of fire and gas systems, control valve assembly manuals, level gauges bulletins, thyristor power units, operating and maintenance manual of air preheaters, etc.
•HEALTH CARE AND MEDICAL: Translation, editing and proofreading of health care and medical documents for clinics and doctors: medical device manuals, infusion pump systems, reports, hospital equipment guides, fliers, healthcare products, etc.
•ENVIRONMENT AND ECOLOGY: Translation, editing and proofreading of texts related to the environment and the ecology: environmental studies, environmental sustainability, description and effects of chemical products, etc.
•Workshop on Contrastive Grammar and Linguistic Relativity by Professor Jukka Havu, 2009
•International Conference on Translation Studies, 2009
•Workshop on translation theories with United Nations interpreter Sergio Viaggio, 2009
•Workshop on effective oral presentations, 2009
•Course on consecutive and simultaneous interpretation by the interpreter Jorge Daniel Milazzo, 2009
•Talk about Anxiety Disorders, 2009
•Seminar about Medical Translation by Dr. Fernando Navarro, 2008
•Second Argentinian Seminar about Language and Society, 2008
•Argentinian Conference of ProZ.com for Translators, 2008
•Medical Translation Seminar by Dr. Fernando Navarro, 2008
•The Linguistic Rules in Translation, 2007
•Competitive Marketing Workshop for Translators, 2007
•Seminar for Translators and Interpreters by the ONU Interpreter, 2007
•Fourth Annual Argentinian Seminar of Professional Updating for Translators and Interpreters, 2005
•Third Argentinian Seminar of Professional Updating for Translators and Interpreters, 2004
•International Translation Seminar, 2004
“It's been a pleasure to have him as collaborator. Fernando is absolutely reliable. Looking forward to working together again!” October 2008
“Fernando Walker is a very committed translator who delivers on-time and excellent quality translations. Being an easy-going person, it is also a pleasure to work with him.” August 2008
“I highly recommend this young translator. He has proven to be reliable, always on time, and he delivers top quality.” June 2008
References, résumé or other relevant information will be sent upon request.