Translator Анна

Translator and Editor


  • Ukrainian (native)
  • Russian (native)
  • English
  • German


  • Translation
  • Proofreading

Areas of specialisation

  • Technical
  • Social Sciences & Literature
  • IT & Networks
Anna is part of the MaxiWord team. Managers, editors and typesetters work together with her to ensure the highest quality of translation. Our task is to create the most comfortable environment for the translator by providing her with translation environment, auxiliary materials, technical tools, dictionaries and glossaries so that she can concentrate only on the translation process without thinking about technical difficulties and payment. She is not alone: a team actively assists her in the translation process. She has someone to turn to for advice and tips. Upon completion, the translation will be proofread by an in-house proofreader and sent back to the translator for confirmation/rejection of changes. Alexander Saksonov, Managing Director and Editor-in-Chief at MaxiWord, is personally responsible for the translation quality.

Be afraid of nothing (O. Wilde)

К сожалению, опыт работы в переводческой сфере ограничен устными ситуативными переводами, а так же участием в различных конкурсах переводов в студенческое время.
Помимо этого, мною был пройден курс теории и практики перевода.
О себе: целеустремленная, трудолюбивая, ответственная, пунктуальная, добросовестная, находчивая, креативная.
Берусь за любую работу, поскольку привыкла добиваться всего своим трудом и упорством.