Translator SARA



  • Italian (native)
  • Russian
  • English
  • French


  • Translation

Areas of specialisation

  • Social Sciences & Literature
  • Business & Finance
  • Technical
SARA is part of the MaxiWord team. Managers, editors and typesetters work together with him to ensure the highest quality of translation. Our task is to create the most comfortable environment for the translator by providing him with translation environment, auxiliary materials, technical tools, dictionaries and glossaries so that he can concentrate only on the translation process without thinking about technical difficulties and payment. He is not alone: a team actively assists him in the translation process. He has someone to turn to for advice and tips. His work will be thoroughly checked, edited and the final file will be formatted to match the original. Upon completion, the translation will be proofread by an in-house proofreader and sent back to the translator for confirmation/rejection of changes. Alexander Saksonov, Managing Director and Editor-in-Chief at MaxiWord, is personally responsible for the translation quality.

· 2003: Collaboration with Prof. Giorgio Spada, Department of Physics (Università di Urbino)--software translation checks
· 2004: Collaboration with Dr Devi Sacchetto, Department of Sociology (Università di Padova)--transcription and translation of recorded English dialogues into Italian

· 2004-2008: DVD subtitle translator for Softitler Digititles srl (Firenze, Italy): subtitle translation, SDH translation, proofs, image checks, re-matches for movies, documentaries and TV series (English into Italian)

· 2007-2008: Collaboration with Prof. Luigi Marco Bassani, Department of Legal and Political Studies (Università Statale di Milano)

Published Translations
· Vernon Lee, ”Ravenna e i suoi fantasmi” [Ravenna and her Ghosts], trans. Sara Trevisan, in Baldini, Trevisan, Ravenna e i suoi fantasmi, pp. 13-26
· Jêrome Bourdon, ”La televisione è un mezzo di comunicazione globale? Una prospettiva storica” [”Is television a global medium? An historical view”], trans. Sara Trevisan, Memoria e Ricerca, 26 (2007), pp. 27-45
· Gli antifederalisti: scritti e discorsi scelti [The Anti-Federalists: Selected Writings and Speeches], ed. L.M. Bassani, trans. S. Trevisan, Torino: IBL (expected 2010)
· Dimitrios Kiousopoulos, ”L’opera lirica nazionale in una prospettiva internazionale: saggio comparativo sulla Grecia e il Brasile del diciannovesimo secolo,” [National opera in its international context: a comparative essay on 19th-century Greece and Brazil], trans. S. Trevisan, Memoria e Ricerca 28 (2009), pp. 47-62
· Sebastian Faber, ”Studi comparati sull’esilio: i rifugiati spagnoli e tedeschi in Messico,” [Comparative Exile Studies: Spanish and German Refugees in Mexico], trans. S. Trevisan, Memoria e Ricerca 31 (2010), pp. 63-80.
· David Kettler, ”Il progetto ’Prime Lettere’: La liquidazione dell’esilio?,” [The ’First Letters’ Project: The Liquidation of Exile?], trans. S. Trevisan, Memoria e Ricerca 31 (2010), pp. 103-20
· Anthony de Jasay, Lo stato [The State], trans. S. Trevisan Torino: IBL (expected 2010)